Monday, June 24, 2013

Things I Love

So I am thinking tonight of the things I love! I will just list a few, but they all make my life great! What are some things you love?

I love....

  • Making my wife smile!
  • Air conditioning
  • Making new things and building
  • Learning
  • Teaching
  • Talking to others in Spanish
  • Cleaning... (it's growing on me :) )
  • God and Jesus
  • Being apart of something greater that myself
  • My family
  • Living in a quite neighborhood
  • Making music
  • Trying to be my best self
  • Helping others around me

There are many other things that I love! These are only a few in no particular order. If you ever wonder why life is great, think about this question, something will always come!

Ps. I'd love to hear of some of the things you love in the comments box. Thanks!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


OK, so the title is a little misleading. We are not pregnant, however, the thoughts that I one day will be a father has been on my mind lately.

I am so excited to one day be a father. I saw a video this week which taught me a lot about the link between fatherhood and our Heavenly Father. As much as I want to live up to my father, I want to live up to my Heavenly Father. Though I will not reach that perfection as God has, He has provided a model for me to become as He is. He is a Father to us all!

Here is the Video. Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What I Believe Project

Hey everyone!

So it's been an awful long time since i've written in my blog! There has been much going on: my wedding, Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Years, New Semester, Etc. It's been a crazy few months.

I am in the process of writing a few posts that within the next few weeks will be coming out. Also, I have decided to begin a new project. I want to share some of my beliefs that I feel make life great. Some will resonate with you. Some may not. That is just fine! Thank you for allowing me to share with you my life! I will write more about this in my upcoming blog hopefully on Sunday.

I hope everything is going well with all of you! Have a great day!